Language Translation

Let’s manage your translation Project

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Translation Management

We provide expert and quality translations across all factions and sectors of our society in South Africa. We have a team of experienced translators, native speakers of virtually every major language in South Africa including braille. Our continually growing partnerships and staff of communication specialists, media experts and project managers allows us to exceed expectations and deliver superior services consistently every time.

Our translation service is more than just converting words to another language but more about real meaning, context and understanding. We translate to drive adoption.

We use all 14... yes 14 official languages

We believe languages evolve and we do our utmost best to use all forms.

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Translation Management

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We create flyers/brochures  of any kind including Infographic material to help you deliver your message succinctly.

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Reaching to your customers and employees in a language they understand is improves effectiveness of your message.

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Creating documents in the various languages, makes company information accessible and easy to understand. This can be in the form of: Magazines. Booklets, training documents, forms,  newsletters, speeches, presentations etc.

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Let’s combat the digital divide and localize our intranets and internet sites. Translate your website in the the language that your audience understands.

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TV ads, subtitles, corporate videos – Reach your staff and customers in their language.

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Interpretation of languages